Mcdonald Case Study

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1. How should McDonald’s respond when ads promoting healthy lifestyles featuring Ronald McDonald are equated with Joe Camel and cigarette ads? Should McDonald’s eliminate Ronald McDonald in its ads? I believe that McDonald’s should respond to the comparison between Ronald McDonald and Joe Camel by removing Ronald McDonald from the campaign. They should mot feature their mascot since it can have negative effect on their campaign. It is unethical to use cartoon characters to try to market for children. They should’ve focused more on creating awareness to their newly added healthy menu to the parents and try to get the parents to come to McDonald instead of advertising to the children. They should still use Ronald McDonald as an entertainment …show more content…

Even though there is no evidence that it is directly connected to obesity rates, it is still important for many reasons. The first reason many marketers believe that advertising directly to children is unethical especially since children can easily manipulated using different advertising techniques such as using celebrities and popular cartoon characters to tell the children to buy products. Also, children don’t recognize the exaggeration in the commercials that are commonly used to create an advertising buzz or catch phrase. One example to that situation is the Red Bull commercials. Red Bull usually use cartoon figures in their commercial and have a common theme in their commercial, which is when you drink Red Bull, it gives you wings. They actually use the slogan “Red Bull Gives you wings” in all of their advertising campaigns. Of course if an adult see that commercial, they would understand that it is a false claim and it is used just for fun. While on the hand, if children see that commercial, it is most likely that they would believe that drinking Red Bull would actually give them wings. Another reason on why they should band Food Advertising to children is that food consumption of people is actually developed since childhood. There is a study conducted by the Columbia university about food consumption patterns and their found out that the food that children usually consume during their childhood …show more content…

The broad issue facing McDonald’s U.K is the current attitude toward rising obesity, The Company seems to have tried many different approaches to deal with the problem, but the problem persists. List all the problems facing McDonald’s and critique its various approaches to solve the

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