Argumentative Essay On Value Of Guns

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The Truths of Guns and Their Restrictions
Throughout time, the human race has survived and evolved because of one simple necessity. As the human race evolved there was one driving force that allowed man to develop into today. Quite simply, man has continued to exist by advancing alongside the need for survival. Survival is key in not only ensuring the human race, but survival is also key in driving the humans. Through the millenia, man has needed the means of survival to develop as well. Guns have been debated as the best method of survival on an in depth and individual level. The debate continues today as the world can see many issues arise, such as school shootings and the means to regulate purchasing firearms. This strong debate pushes many …show more content…

This argument supports that the nation’s government should place this upon every individual state. This, which is known as a universal background check is only opposed by the states who value the right to choose their state’s policy, and the individuals who see background checks as a governmental system that does not reduce gun violence. These individuals or states may also value the ability to acquire firearms at a quicker rate. Emma Mcginty conducted a study of the advertisements for background checks. McGinty’s conclusion was, “While research shows that background checks can prevent the 30 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law “every day” acts of gun violence that burden US society, an expanded background check system for firearm sales would not have prevented the Newtown shooter, who used his mother’s gun, from obtaining a firearm” (30). As background checks stand, many view the system as illogical and falliced because of how criminals actually acquire weapons as supported by McGinty. One such organization views the background check system and believes that criminals know how to circumvent the system. Criminals have many sources of guns, “They do not buy guns in gun stores. They do not get guns at gun shows. They do not buy them from the Internet sources.” (Study: Criminals Don’t Get Guns From Legal

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