Argumentative Essay On Ultra Nationalism

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Ultra-nationalism is not nationalism, but what does it take to make an ultra-nationalistic nation? What is the difference between nationalism and ultra-nationalism? Is the source one-hundred percent correct when it says ultra-nationalism doesn’t come from the nation or the people themselves? Though most of what the source say’s is correct, ultra-nationalism must come from more than just one person, or else the term ultra-nationalism would not include a whole nation. The definition for ultra-nationalism is the, “extreme devotion to or advocacy of the interests of a nation, especially regardless of the effect on any other nations.” As well as “extreme loyalty to one's country.” Even though the source doesn’t go as far as it should, it does include a very key factor that these definitions don’t include. As the source say, without a leader to feed the peoples wants for power, nothing will happen. People always need a leader for their actions to be justified or to placed on, and just so, people need a leader to fuel their mind-frame. As the source suggests, nationalism and ultra-nationalism are not in the same category. Being that ultra-nationalism is fabricated from “power hungry” individuals, where as nationalism is a “profoundly constructive …show more content…

One example of this is the Treaty of Versailles in the days of Adolf Hitler. The same way that the Treaty of Versailles prepared the mind frame of the people of Germany, is the same way suffering, oppression, and defeat reaps ultra-nationalism in other nations. This point proves that even before anyone can proceed in fueling the peoples mind frame, the people themselves must already be in a state in which they feel they must achieve superiority. This being the main difference in opinion between myself and the source. To put it this way, the people must be willing to hear the lies given to them, before the lies are viable in their

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