Does Ultra-Nationalism Cause Crimes Against Humanity?

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Ultra Nationalism, as defined in the Oxford English dictionary, is an extreme form of nationalism. Countries and nations under an ultra nationalistic rule may become hostile to other countries, and eventually become violent. Nations, such as Uganda have portrayed this exquisitely. The motives of the Ugandan warlords, such as Idi Amin and Joseph Kony, lead to crimes against humanity. In some cases during the Ugandan genocides, individuals would be cast as victim or villain by vicissitudes of fate. Pursuing ultra-nationalism, whether it be beneficial for the nation or not, will lead to crimes against humanity. The extent that ultra-nationalistic leaders would have to go to to cause a crime against humanity is quite large. However, depending on the nation, it could be in their national interest to commit war crimes. Warlord General Idi Amin, during the end of the 20th century, dehumanized and caused the deaths of 100,000 to 300,000 Asians, Acholi and Lango individuals. In addition, The leader of the LRA group, Joseph Kony, caused the indoctrination, dehumanization, and extermination of over 2 million individuals, who were mostly children. Finally, the citizens of Uganda forbid to speak of these crimes, because it has affected their national identity. Crimes against humanity, no matter the scale, will affect national interest. …show more content…

The Prime minister of Uganda, before the tragedies, was Milton Obote. In 1971, the Ugandan Army, commanded by Major General Idi Amin Dada, overthrew Obote swiftly. The overthrow of Obote could not happen whilst he was in the country, for reasons unknown, but, as he was in a conference in Singapore, Amin and his army took his power. The army set up a military government then, and Amin became

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