Argumentative Essay On Sports Drinks

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Sports drinks are a bad sport! Many people are in the habit of drinking a sports drink whenever they exercise to re-hydrate themselves. Sure they do hydrate, but unless you have just run an entire marathon, there is practically no benefit to a sports drink over water. The big down side is that they are packed full of sugar, so take a look at how much sugar you are taking in. A bottle of Powerade has 36grams of sugar in it, almost as much as a can of coke. If you have a Powerade 3 days a week that equates to 5.6kg of pure sugar! It hits the wallet hard too, at say $3.50 a bottle that's $546 year. Compared to water which is sugar free, costs nothing and does the same job, a sports drink defies the point of drinking it for health benefits. …show more content…

Sugar rich sports drinks actually slows down hydration because the cells absorb the sugar first, which reduces the rate that the water is absorbed into the cells for re-hydration. For this reason, juices and carbonated soft drinks are not good to drink, either. It is advised that you avoid any drinks that are high in sugar or

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