Argumentative Essay On Maria's Fetus

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Jessica, a 30-year-old Mexican immigrant, finds her safe in a life-changing predicament. She is four months pregnant with her first child and is scheduled for her first prenatal care after the first trimester. She was assigned to Dr. Wilson, who through ultrasound screening and probably other diagnostic tests not mentioned discovered that Maria’s fetus has both physical and mental disabilities. The ultrasound result shows that the fetus will be born without arms and has past the stage that it is expected to develop them. Also, it indicated that the fetus has 25% of being born with a mental disability, possibly Down syndrome. It should say that Maria apparently was subjected to other diagnostic tests to prove that this fetus has Down Syndrome …show more content…

In the Book of Exodus, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, and Exodus 20:13 states that “Thou Shall Not Kill.” Now, there are a lot of questions on when does life start after the fertilization of the ovum by sperm. Christians believe that when a sperm and ovum unite to become a zygote, it has established the life of a new human being(s). Christians also believe that the life of a child in the womb is God’s creation and people should not determine the worth and dignity of the child’s life both before and after birth. We are all created in the image of God (Imago Dei), regardless of their sexual orientation and phenotypical …show more content…

She began praying, calls a priest for spiritual support, and pleads with Jessica to carry her pregnancy to term and allow God’s will to be done. Also, she reminds Jessica of her responsibility as a mother. Aunt Maria applies the moral status theory based on relationships. Jessica and her husband moved to the US and lived with Aunt Maria for three years, so both have developed a strong relationship with Aunt Maria. Hence, the reason why Aunt Maria followed them to their visit with Dr. Wilson to receive the result of the ultrasound. Likewise, Marco applies the relationship theory of moral status based on the bond that he has with Jessica through

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