Argumentative Essay On Do Aliens Exist

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Do aliens exist? Fifty-four percent of Americans think so, according to Newsweek (Main). Over the years, this highly debated topic has taken over news channels, social media, and pop culture. It’s only a matter of time before they are found. Aliens exist because they have the ability to survive in space, there have been countless UFO sightings and incidents, and strange things have happened that point to alien existence. One reason aliens are real is because they have the ability to survive in space. A basic need of every organism is water, which is actually abundant in our solar system. Recently, it was discovered that Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has an ocean underneath its crust and has the perfect environment for organisms to grow and flourish. Water was also found on Mars, and on Saturn’s moons. In addition to that, there are about 2 billion stars in the milky way galaxy alone, and about 50 percent of them harbor planets says astronomer …show more content…

One of the most famous incidents of all time is the Roswell UFO incident. In 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, a farmer found unidentifiable space debris that seemed to be too advanced for that time. It was the first time that debris that may have been linked to extraterrestrials had been recorded. Another similar incident was the Rendlesham forest incident. In 1980 at a military base near Rendlesham forest a triangular shaped aircraft with strange hieroglyphics was found. The object moved through the forest and then disappeared as many military personnel claim. The government found that the soil in Rendlesham forest was contaminated and and trees in the forest were burned with fresh scorch marks. There were also significantly high radiation levels in the area. Equally important is the fact that there have been more than 100,000 legitimate UFO sightings in the past 100 years says UFO expert Sam Monfort. That number is only

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