The Government is Hiding Extraterrestrial Information from Roswell
This paper will prove it will remain unknown if the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) crash sighting at Roswell, New Mexico on July 4th, 1947 did happen, although the government is hiding Extraterrestrial information there. The following is a list of terms that may become confusing to some readers.
Extraterrestrial Originating, located, or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere: intelligent extraterrestrial life
Alien an unnaturalized foreign resident of a country. Also called noncitizen 2. A person from another and very different family, people, or place 3.A plant or an animal that occurs in or is naturalized in a region to which it is not native
Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) A flying or apparently flying object of an unknown nature, especially one suspected to have been sent by extraterrestrial beings 2. A flying saucer
Witness One who can give a firsthand account of something seen, heard, or experienced: a witness to the accident One who furnishes evidence 2. Something that serves as evidence; a sign
Eyewitness A person who has seen someone or something and can bear witness to the fact (American Heritage Talking Dictionary, 1997)
All of these definitions are exact and significant to this research because sometimes it is obvious people are unaware of the true meanings of these words. The meanings of extraterrestrials and aliens have been commonly misinterpreted. An extraterrestrial is something, living or nonliving, which is not from earth, while an alien can be something from earth, but is not native to its surroundings. An unidentified flying object is something that has never been officially recorded. In this case, the witnesses refer to th...
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...mation there, the public may never know what has actually happened without the release of all of their findings.
Friedman, S. T. (1996). Top secret/ Majic. New York: First Marlowe and Company Edition.
International Masters Publishers (1999). Secrets of the Universe: Your guide to the cosmos…and beyond (Category 5: Roswell incident: Rumors of a cover-up) [card]. USA: International Masters.
Klass, P. J. (1983). UFOs: The public deceived. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus.
Korff, K. K. (1997). The Roswell UFO crash: What they don't want you to know. Amherst, New Jersey: Prometheus.
Parker, B. (1998). Alien life: The search for extraterrestrial intelligence. New York: Plenum.
Pope, N. (1999). Open skies closed minds: For the first time a government UFO expert speaks out. Woodstock, New York: Peter Mayer.
...ary knew about the crash and that they were going to transport the wreckage to another military base. Many eyewitness accounts with similar details eliminate the possibility of merely a single person making up the entire event. The government’s contradictory reports demonstrate that their knowledge of the incident is dynamic and dependent on how they want the people to react. This matter is important because it raises the possibility that if the government is hiding information from the public about a spacecraft accident, there may be other incidents where the government is concealing the truth from the public. Despite the government’s best attempts to cover up the Roswell incident, eyewitness accounts from the common person validate the idea that an unidentified flying object crashed in Roswell, New Mexico and eternally changed the lives of several people.
The mass hysteria of UFOs and the Salem Witch Trials share many similarities between each other. Some that were stated were the fact that people claim that they have witnessed UFOs or witnessed a Witch. These claims also lead to the similarities of how people were split in both topics, never agreeing to one side of the hysteria. A difference was also expressed in this paper saying that in the Trials people died compared to UFO sightings where no one died related to them. Overall they share many similarities and differences and there are many more that can be
McCraw, David, and Stephen Gikow. “The End to a Unspoken Bargain? National Security and Leaks in a Post-Pentagon Papers World.” Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 48.2 (2013): 473-509. Academic OneFile. Web. 5 Dec. 2013.
On March 13, 1997, an inexplicable phenomenon took place in the sky over Phoenix, Arizona. Thousands of people witnessed the occurrence, and a few dozen even caught it on camera. The event was so astonishing that the most world-renowned news source, CNN, broadcast it on national television. Disappearing, the mind-boggling event left thousands, or even millions, in disbelief at what they had just witnessed. What was it? The world may never know.
Witness behavior is also known as the bystander effect. This is a psychological condition that occurs when people are in crowds; people in crowds do not feel the need to help a victim. There are two reasons this happens to the boys in the novel. One, the social influence lessens the need to step out of line and break away from the social normality. Two, there is a diffusion of responsibility, with many people present, one does not see the need for them to be the one to
Belzar, Richard. UFO?s, JFK, and Elvis conspiracies you don?t have to be crazy to believe. New York: The Ballantine Publishing Group, 1999.
Around June 25th, 1947 a pilot, Ken Arnold had reported strange objects in the sky while flying near Mt. Rainer, Washington. He stated that they flew like "saucers being skipped over water." This was where the term "Flying Saucers" derived from. The Roswell UFO Incident all started on the evening of July 3, 1947, Dan Wilmot and his wife were sitting on their front porch when they saw the distinct shape of a saucer flying through the sky. A few days prior to this sighting, military radar in the area was tracking an Unidentified Flying Object for four days. On Independence Day the radar indicated that the object had gone down about 30-40 miles Northwest of Roswell. A few days after the actual sighting from the Wilmot's, W.W. Brazel, the Foreman of the J.B. Foster Ranch went to check on his sheep after some intense thunderstorms the night prior. He happened to discover a very large amount of debris of an unknown metallic substance scattered throughout the field. It was also stated that he stumbled across a shallow trench in the ground that stretched hundreds of feet. Brazel would gather some of this debris to show family and friends. A few days after he would contact sheriff Wilcox of Chaves County. Once Wilcox had the information he needed, he contacted the Roswell Army Air Force Base, where Major Jessie Marcel was briefed to look int...
Reviewing the experiments five years later, one secrecy-conscious CIA auditor wrote: “Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but also to conceal these activities from the American public in general. The knowledge that the agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles.” Though many of the documents related to MKULTRA were destroyed by the CIA in 1972, some records relating to the program have made it into the public domain. And the work of historians, investigative reporters, and various congressional committees has resulted in the release of enough information to make MKULTRA one of the most disturbing instances of intelligence community abuse on record. As writer Mark Zepezauer puts it, “the surviving history is nasty enough.”
Recently, many people believed to have witnessed via a viral video, U.F.O. unidentified flying object sighting directly above the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Israel, yet solid research quickly disproved this occurrence as another contemporary hoax. Sightings such as this one date back to June 24th, 1947, when Kenneth Arnold reportedly saw a “flying saucer” (Dash). There are many people around the world, who believe wholeheartedly in unidentified flying objects. Moreover, when Mr. Arnold made his claim of seeing a U.F.O., there were many futile arguments between believers and non-believers. Nowadays however, thanks to modern technology, people can record the alleged sighting by means such as video and still pictures.
Some time in July of 1947, a mysterious flying object zigzagged across the skies of New Mexico. Within twenty-four hours the object disappeared from radar just as mysteriously as it had appeared. It was last seen in a small town in the middle of the Arizona desert, it’s name, Roswell.
Heussner, Ki Mae. "UFOs? Aliens? Area 51 Revealed." ABC News. ABC News Network, 10 Apr. 2009. Web. 09 Apr. 2014.
2) The witness that the church seeks to give in helping in the search for
They are able to identify the circumstances of an event, and possibly all details of it such as the causes and the results of it. For example, if we happen to meet the great grand father of someone who happened to be a slave during the Civil War, he would provide us with all details of a war. Although in a textbook, we would only learn the main key points of the war, this witness would be able to take us through a more lively experience of living in the South as a slave and how the attack on Fort Sumter started the war. Another example could be criminal case. Someone who is leaving their job late at night could have had their purse stolen and been murdered which is then witnessed by the watch man that was on duty that night. When called in to testify, there are several different ways his response could be given. He may alter his response depending on who the victim may be. By saying this, not all individuals see the same thing or because they bring in their views of “interests, expectations, and cultural background.” For example, in history we learn about the mistreatment of African American slaves. Around the period of the mid-1800’s, we learn that slaves were not allowed to become U.S. citizens. Because of the dislike of slaves in this period of time the personal views of the legislation is altered to fit their needs. So, eyewitness
. At the town of Roswell an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) crash landed in the quiet little town. Many Roswell residents testified that they saw a burning object plummet toward the ground before exploding upon impact. The Air Force's initial reaction to the incident was to tell the world that they did not know what it was. This shows me evidence that they had no “protocol” for this kind of occurrence, thus the Military leader stepped in and covered everything up. This incident caught the attention of citizens of the United States, local officials, and the media. It has especially gained interest in a variety of Special interest groups/ groups that specialize in researching and investigating events that involve UFO’s.
The Roswell Incident, which enlightened our minds to the capacity of excepting all, has remained one of the most controversial issues today. In Roswell, New Mexico, 1947, a strange occurrence arises. An alien craft from outer space crashed in an open field. The issue lay still for almost thirty years, until the thought of a government cover-up arose.