Argumentative Essay On Christopher Columbus

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An Italian navigator, Christopher Columbus, is known for discovering the “New World,” in 1492. Born in 1451 in Genoa, now known as Italy today, Columbus took Sea at fourteen years of age and continued until death. He believes that sailing west across the Atlantic ocean is the shortest sea route to the continent, Asia. The Asian Island is located near Chyna and India. It has riches, spices, and gold, which makes them an attractive destination. Columbus has a total of four voyages, but who would sponsor him? In Columbus’s twenties, he moved to Lisbon, Portugal, and soon would settled in Spain with his son Diego and remain there for the duration of his life. Voyaging helps him find new land and rich minerals and Columbus sailed across the Atlantic …show more content…

By 1486, he met himself in Spain. Spain has an Incredible Hulk interest in trading with Asia. Who would not? They have everything people want. If they could find or discover a shorter route it will give them advantages in trading, but Columbus had to convince King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to underwrite his expedition, but why would they do it? They all wanted fame and fortune. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand were focused on the war with the Muslims, so she appointed a royal commission to view his ideas. The Talavera Commission, royal commision, put Columbus on hold. In the meantime, he continued to try to get support for his plans from other monarchies. Columbus soon got in contact with the Portuguese. Christopher moved only to find out that the Portuguese already found a passageway to India and they no longer interested in him. Columbus. This navigator thought the Earth was a sphere and the distance between Canary Islands and Japan were to be about 2300 miles. He is wrong. He also hypothesis that the world was a sphere. He, again is wrong. The world was much larger than he thought. In the late 1490's

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