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Should cellphones be allowed at schools
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Recommended: Should cellphones be allowed at schools
Cell Phones: Are They a Distraction or a Helpful Tool? Are cell phones a distraction or a helpful tool? Although cell phones are quite helpful in school , schools should not allow cell phones because people are not socializing with others , teens are not paying attention in class because of cell phones , and students are cheating on tests. Cell phones should not be allowed for many reasons , but here are three main reasons. One reason why cell phones should not be allowed in school are because most people are not being social and having conversations with others. According to Tom Jacobs , his article states that “If either participant placed a mobile device on the table , or held it in their hand , during the course of the 10-minute conversation , the quality of the conversation was rated to be less fulfilling , compared with conversations that took place in the absence of mobile devices , the researchers report. “ This shows that people talking to each other with cell phones in their hands were less fulfilling and not …show more content…
A teacher at Lowell High School , Miriam Morgenstern is sick and tired of her students being on their phones in class instead of paying attention to her teaching. She states that “The texting , tweeting , and Snapchats during class are an incredible distraction , and it makes it much more difficult to teach , she said. It’s pretty hard to compete with a very funny YouTube video.” This shows that Miriam’s students are having difficulties paying attention and not cooperating because they are on their phones so much. There are many other educators that are having these same issues as well. Not to mention , students could also fall behind in their classes because they are on their phones in class. This is a second reason why cell phones should not be allowed in
Michael Rubinkam’s “Texting in class is Rampant” brings awareness to the fact that most students use their phones during a lecture to text. Many professors are starting to notice it and some have even gone to extremes by having punishments if they see a phone out. Michael Rubinkam conducted a number of surveys with students who attend Wilkes University to see how many students actually use their phones during class. The author also discusses with some professors at the university to see their opinion on how phone use in class can impact the student’s education and how it impacts them as well. There is no doubt that texting is a habit most high school and college students face. It’s our primary way of communication with people. We get so addicted to texting people considering it only takes a few seconds to reply, but with that being said does it interfere with our school life too? Sitting in a lecture and pulling your phone out can be distracting because you’re not paying attention to the professor and the skills they’re teaching you’re practically in your own world at that point. Is the excessive use of texting in class-harming student’s education? The author
Teachers are finding it harder and harder to separate a student from their cell phones for eight hours. Cellular devices and social media have become a number one priority for many people across the world. Due to the fact that the student will not put down their phones during school hours, their grades tend to be lower, which could, in the long run, affect their chances of getting into college. The use of cell phones does not strictly affect younger generations, it also had major influence on adults at the
One reason that cell phones should be banned from classrooms is because students who use them fall into a daze of distracted learning. Classes are taught by teachers, whose goal is to give the student an educational experience, learning things they will need to apply to their later life. However, students on their cellphones are distracted from their learning and never use the lessons taught. Over 2,000 cellphone disturbances were reported in New York City in the past school year (Backstory). This means that over 2,000 people had issues with cellphones interrupting classroom discussi...
People who support cell phone use in schools are usually teenagers. People who disagree with cell phone use in schools are usually teachers or parents, who think cell phones are a distraction. A lot of students see cell phones as a useful device, but many see them as a distraction during class. Throughout this essay, you'll read about the pros and cons regarding cell phone usage. Overall, this essay will attempt to argue that students should be allowed full use of their cell phones during school hours.
In every class I find myself sitting next to a student that is constantly texting, making it almost impossible for myself to concentrate. The teachers also hold some blame, they to are always attached to their Blackberry’s. Punishments are set up for these students and teachers attempt at enforcing them. Texting brings in a whole new way to distract the whole classroom from the teacher. In a recent study nin...
There has always been controversy as to whether texting and cell phone use can cause young people to be less likely to be able to concentrate and focus. As young citizens we have the right to be able to own a cell phone and not be criticized using it for educational reasons. Phones give you access to the internet, teach responsibility, and is an emergency access to contact parents; however it can cause cheating in class room areas by sharing answers, it can distract people from doing work in class, and can lead to online predators harming someone.
Cell phones should not be allowed in school because children focus more on the phone than schoolwork, it creates more drama, and it promotes cheating. Cell phones should not be allowed in schools because kids are always wondering what their friends are doing and what is happening outside of school. If they have access to their phones all day, then they will be glued to them. Phones are more entertaining than a teacher lecturing at the front of the class. Most students will start to zone out, or fall asleep, when a teacher starts a lesson.
Cell phones are small and portable yet provide so much to its user with being able to look up anything to calling your parents in case of an emergency or if you need to give them a heads up on something. With the way things are today people need to focus on incorporating cell phones into daily life and finding ways to make them more suitable in a classroom environment. Teachers are already doing this though with using apps that work with the whole class and can track data and usage of a student. It cannot be debated that cell phones are beneficial in school as before cell phones you would have to go to your local library and hopefully find what you are looking for. Cell phones belong in a school environment as they can be helpful and it 's a parent 's right to be able to get ahold of their
Schools are starting to make a decision on if students should have their phone on in school. It’s a fifty-fifty chance... Which side would you choose? Some students get distracted by having their phone on because when they get text message or social media notifications their first instinct is to go check it and text back. Teacher, Miriam Morgenstern is frustrated with students and their cell phones because the tweeting, snapchatting, and texting is a big distraction and it’s even harder for her to teach.
Given the unquestionable results regarding the use of cell phones by students in school there should not be a ban on the cell phones in schools. This is because students can learn to enhance their learning from the technology such as the cell phone. Students will also become more independent in their work and more motivated to learn. Students like being permitted to making their own choices.
Although phones are a distraction, phones should be allowed in school because students could use them as a fast resource, they can access articles and books online, And this can help \students focus.
Due to the many advances in technology who has made it a lot easier to communicate with people all around the world. This is also be easier to contact loved ones so you can never lose contact with them. These advancements have also been proven to be a distraction for the youth, and some people believe it should be taken out of the school setting. Cell phones are a major distraction in the school setting because there's also social media, instant messaging, and it's a mind trick.
Its becoming ever increasingly harder for teachers to decide if they should allow smartphones and other devices in their classroom. It has become more common for students to be physically present in the classroom, but they are not mentally there because they are to busy socializing on apps like Facebook, Intsagram, and Snapchat or playing popular games such as Angry Birds or Candy
To begin with, when there is an emergency then anyone can call him or her. For example if parents need their children to their house in case of any emergency. Moreover, if children feel themselves unsafe in class then they can use mobile phones. For instance, sometimes, the teacher is not in class then if any student misbehaves with other students then they can use cell phones as a mean of communication (McLuhan and Fiore, 2001, p.68). By doing so, then can feel safe. Location of children can definitely be determined by parents is they carry cell phones with them. But, positives of banning mobiles phones are more than their negatives. Technologies like mobile phones with their text-messaging capabilities can support interaction and this interaction in turn can result in more involvement and proper attention in class this is what can be missed by excluding mobile phones from the classroom (Thomas, Kevin and Corrie,
First of all, students absolutely should not be permitted to use cell phones during school hours because it is a distraction to other students. This is an issue that plays a huge role on student’s lives because it takes away from their academic education. The s...