Antimicrobial Agents Essay

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Antimicrobial agents are essential in healthcare today, because they are used to treat diseases and infections that has a negative impact on the human body. Without antimicrobial agents, there would be a tremendous increase in the prevalence of death related to diseases and infections. “An antimicrobial is an agent that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms. The microbial agent may be a chemical compounds and physical agents. These agents interfere with the growth and reproduction of causative organisms like bacteria, fungi, parasites, virus etc.” Journal of Antimicrobial agents (2017). In this assignment, a description of the categories of antimicrobial agents will be given and the differences between viral and bacterial infection will be exampled.
Antimicrobial agents consist of antibiotic, antifungals, antiprotozoal, and antiviral. “Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight …show more content…

Furthermore, antiviral agents are not effective against bacteria infections. Likewise, antibiotics are not effective against viral infections. When the wrong medication is prescribed to treat an infection the patient is at risk for drug resistance. “Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) threatens the effective prevention and treatment of an ever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. Without effective antibiotics, the success of major surgery and cancer chemotherapy would be compromised. The cost of health care for patients with resistant infections is higher than care for patients with non-resistant infections due to longer duration of illness, additional tests and use of more expensive drugs” World Health Organization (2016). With that said, the microbe should be properly identified before prescribing any antimicrobial to any

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