Animal Farm Propaganda Research Paper

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Propaganda does not trick people, it gets people to trick themselves. Many people believe that propaganda tricks them into doing something that they don’t usually do, but it is actually their mind believing it and forcing them to do it. The use of propaganda in today’s society makes people believe whatever they see. However, propaganda isn’t the thing that it is tricking them. It is the people’s minds that go against themselves. Propaganda plays a major role in the novel, Animal Farm. George Orwell displays a story of how a group of pigs run a farm. The farm revolves and runs on propaganda. Eric Hoffer’s quote on propaganda explains how the animals’ minds work in the novel. Propaganda not only tricks people, but it also messes with their mind and Squealer in Animal is the epitome of it.
Propaganda is a deceitful act that can …show more content…

Propaganda is used in this novel to trick the animals on the farm. Squealer’s words get into the animals’ minds. An example in the novel is when Squealer convinces the animals that Boxer is being sent to a hospital. In reality, he was going to get killed and be used for glue. The animals, however, didn’t know this because they couldn’t read what was on the van. Even when Benjamin stated what it said, Squealer noted, “The van had previously been the property of the knacker, and had been bought by the veterinary surgeon, who had not yet painted the old name out”(Orwell 37). Squealer and Napoleon are responsible for the animals not being able to read, but the animals believe that it is their own fault. Napoleon also gets the animals to believe that building the windmill was his idea. He does this by stating that Snowball copied his plans and ideas. At this point in the novel, the animals have gained Napoleon’s trust, so they believe everything that he says. Squealer and Napoleon use propaganda for their advantage, making them more powerful than any other animal on the

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