Use of Propoganda In Animal Farm

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Propaganda is used by people to falsify or distort the truth. In the book Animal Farm, many things happened to Napoleon and the other pigs because of using propaganda. First of all, Napoleon and the pigs used propaganda to tell lies the animals would believe. For example, when Boxer was taken away in the knacker truck, Squealer got all the animals to believe that the truck had been bought by the hospital, but they hadn’t taken the stickers on the side off yet (pg. 115). Also, on page 61, when Napoleon first drove out Snowball, Napoleon told the animals that the windmill was his idea and he just pretended not to like it to get rid of Snowball. The animals all believed him because they were ignorant. And finally, when the windmill was first destroyed, on page 72, Napoleon used propaganda to make all the animals believe that Snowball had destroyed the windmill himself and had been a traitor from the beginning. He even had them convinced that Snowball had actually tried to sabotage the Battle of Cowshed but failed (pg. 79). Secondly, all the people that were lying and using propaganda were gaining power. The pigs were given larger amounts of food, and even lived in better conditions than the other animals. They were able to do this because they told all the animals that, since they were the real brains behind Animal Farm’s accomplishments, they needed to rest better so they could be in good mental health. Squealer used propaganda more then any other animal on the farm, and he prospered from it. He became Napoleon’s second hand man by making everyone believe they remembered wrongly about the commandments (pg. 70), and made sure everyone always believed Napoleon was a good leader. The best example was Napoleon; he lied about the windmill (pg. 61), the Battle of Cowshed (pg. 79), and the changing of the commandments (pg. 69) to get away with many things and gain great power. He became their unchallenged leader and no one opposed him. And finally, because of using propaganda, the pigs gained the trust of the animals. First of all, every single commandment on the wall was changed, and every time the animals believed Squealer was telling the truth about them, even after they found him one night next to a tipped over ladder and paint, near the wall (pg. 102). All the lies Napoleon told the animals were believed, to illustrate, Napoleon convinced all the animals that

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