Animal Cruelty Satire

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Animal Cruelty
I take a stand against animal cruelty. It is a serious problem. I don’t want animals being mistreated or getting abused. It is really hard for animals to live if they have been mistreated and abused. Some animals have been so abused and mistreated they have died. I hate it when any animal gets sick or dies.

It is against the law to harm animals. You should call 911 or animal control when you see an animal being abused because it is an emergency. Animals are being beaten and starved every day. Many animals are used to test cosmetics on. Monkeys,rats,mice,dogs and cats are some of the animals used for this. Dog fighting is one of the worst forms of animal cruelty. Fighting dogs spend most of their lives on short heavy chains. They suffer blood loss and broken bones. Helpless animals die every year because of this animal cruelty. …show more content…

Many pet owners refuse to water or feed their animal. Sometimes animals are left without proper housing or vet care when they are sick. When not given proper attention and care many animals may very well die. I would like to think that when these poor animals are suffering that someone would rescue them and get them the help they need.No animal deserves to be mistreated for any reason.God created all living things on Earth with the same feelings and all living things have a right to live on this Earth.

So if u see an animal getting abused you need to take them to an animal shelter or buy them an extra bag of dog food. When I see an animal getting abused it really hurts my feelings. Have you ever seen an animal getting abused, if so you need to help them. I have seen a dog getting abused before and ever since that day the dog has been scared of

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