Animal Abuse Essay

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Violent acts against animals are considered recognized as indicators of a disease of the psyche that is not limited to animals. Many studies conducted by sociologists and psychologists suggest that animal abuse cases deserve more attention than they get. Why are these research results so important? These cases prove that animal abuse is not just a personality problem that can be fixed so easily, it is a symptom of mental disturbances in the abuser. Psychology and sociology research also suggests that animal abuse is usually a sign that the abuser must get psychological help because it is extremely likely that their anger will only get stronger and they could eventually hurt humans as well. Studies of psychiatric patients who have tortured dogs and cats shows that they had very high levels of aggression towards people as well.
Why is it that animal abuse cases seem to go unnoticed? The sad truth is that many times they are not reported and the few times that they are, it is often too late. Animal abuse cases seem to be more common in big cities where everyone is always busy and stressed because of the fast life of the city. In a map provided by “” you can see that the grand majority of the cases take place in the east side of the United States and of that side, most of them take place in big and busy cities like Miami and New York. This shows that in places where people are more stressed animals are more likely to be abused because people take their anger out on them. However this still shows that the abusers have some type of psychological disorder such as “General Anxiety Disorder” that could become more serious in years or even months. It is not normal for a human to have to take their anger out through an animal, ...

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...t the choice is going to be most of the time and this way, everybody wins.
All 50 states have legislation relating to animal abuse or cruelty, and most categorize it as a misdemeanor offense. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, 30 states have also instituted felony level statutes for certain forms of cruelty to animals. However, only 8 out of the 50 states mandate psychiatric evaluations and counseling. These statistics are shocking because if the states had laws that would help these abusers get better by forcing them to go to counseling or getting properly medicated, there would be a significant drop in the number of animal abuse cases. However, there is no doubt that we, as average citizens, should talk to someone who we believe might be abusing an animal and convince them to get evaluated. By doing so, we could avoid a lot of animal abuse cases as well.

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