Andrea Palladio Research Paper

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Andrea di Pietro dalla Gondola, also known as Andrea Palladio, was born on November 30, 1508 in Padua, Italy. Palladio was a stonemason’s apprentice before moving to Vicenza in which he received recognition as a master at Pedemuro workshop in 1524. While being in Vicenza, Palladio met Giangiorgio Trissino. Trissino at the time was building a villa outside the city at Cricoli which would be both a gentleman’s residence and the seat of his humanist academy. Trissino saw Andrea as an outstanding stone carver as well as his noted amiable and intelligent personality in which Trissino decided to mentor Palladio due to the ability that he saw in him. Trissino’s architectural style at the time was architecture within the time era with the study of …show more content…

Andrea di Pietro dalla Gondola can be considered one of the best architects of his time due to his skillful, brilliant, and masterly villas built in Italy during the fifteen hundreds. In order to achieve this success, Palladio studied and redrew the architecture that the Roman and Greek’s had created. By doing this he would study many of their finest works and redraw them as the architect or creator would want their building to actually look by he’s own understanding. After studying these architectural buildings he would go on to construct 30 villas, one which happens to be very unique design called La Rotunda. Throughout his creations as an architect, Palladio showed virtuosity, regulatory, and elegance through his designs which later became to be known as the Palladian style. Palladio was an imaginative and creative person who did not fear to experiment or borrow ideas from others. Architects use different steps in constructing a certain building. That is exactly what Palladio achieved in constructing villas, palaces, and churches, but was more recognized for his skill as a designer of

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