Ancient Africa Essay

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The section titled Ancient Africa pp.66-81 starts out by briefly referencing African civilizations, specifically the Egyptians, due to the fact that their political systems and functions were considered to be among the best recorded and preserved. The author then briskly transitioned into the issue revolving around perception of skin color associated with Egyptian people. “Cheikh Anta Diop in the 1950’s argued that Egypt was a “black” civilization” (Khapoya 2016, 66). I know this to be true, but I find it so hard to believe solely based on the notion that Hollywood has created. When I think of Egypt the first things that comes to mind are the Mummy movie series and Night at the Museum. The reason for this is that in both of these films the casted actors in the film were predominantly white or light skinned. …show more content…

As the section progresses the Author transitions back into the governing body that resided over Egypt for so long, pharos. He goes on to write about the Old and second kingdom. “The old kingdom of ancient Egypt, (3100-2180 B.C.E) developed Africa’s earliest large-scale political economy” (Khapoya 2016, 66). Change wise, what this meant for the residents under this regime, was that for the most part was that “subsequent tribute and loyalty to central authority embodied by their pharos” (Khapoya 2016, 66). During this time the pharos were deemed to be the likeness of gods and with their power they did some amazing things. The great pharaoh Imhotep known for his “ancient studies in astronomy, medicine, mathematics and philosophy” also in 2600 B.C.E., was the “architect who designed the earliest of ancient Egypt’s architectural masterpieces now known as the step pyramid” (Khapoya 2016, 67). The author then goes on to tell of to the renowned pharos and their accomplishments in

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