Analysis: The Hunger Games As Allegory Of American Pop Culture

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Gavin Webster
Professor Watson
QS212 – The Hunger Games as Allegory of American Pop Culture
21 April 2015
The Lack of Creativity in Popular Music Today If there is one thing anyone is close-minded about, it is music, especially which types of music people consider to be the “best.” Generations may overlap in what genre they prefer, but in nearly every case, someone will always consider his generation to have the best overall music. The youth of today will tell you “their” music is the best, adult generations will insist their youth decade of music was the greatest, and the elderly generation will demand that music played off records is the most superior. Music types seem to shift drastically from one age to another, and are easily distinguishable …show more content…

Lyerla and I have discussed the difference in music now to that of music from the Classical period. The appeal music offers to young adults now is very distinct from the appeal that intrigued listeners 200 years ago. In correlation with how media has impacted and affected youth culture today, music can be viewed as one of the most influential types of media on today’s society. As mentioned in class, the impact of media has taken up a big bulk of our QS212 course. Therefore, with discussion about the comparisons from music of different time periods in piano lessons, and an analysis of how media affects society in quest class, this paper seeks to create a link between the two. The information in this literary work will explore how music in today’s time is considered to be less original and more uncreative than it ever has …show more content…

Some might think that dynamics can be created by simply adjusting the volume of a song on device playing the song; however, this is not what is meant. Today’s music lacks the variation in dynamics that was once claimed to be such a big hit long ago. Rather, the popular music from the 21st century uses only one dynamic, loud. In a studio, music is recorded at a much higher volume so that songs play back louder than those recorded at a softer volume. As a result, when you turn down the volume on your personal music device, the songs will still be fairly loud. This makes older songs that were originally recorded at a normal, softer volume seem old and out-of-date (Newcomb, 2012). Like the Axis of Awesome video, this article finishes by sarcastically suggesting that all you need to do to create a hit pop song is use the simplest, most pleasant chords and crank up the

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