The Five Factor Model Of Personality

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How do you measure personality? In order to understand how to measure personality, it is important to first understand what exactly personality is. As defined by Laura King in The Science of Psychology, personality is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world (2017). Personality is a very complex and complicated area of psychology, so much so that many theories and perspectives have been developed in an attempt to explain it. One of the most prominent models to explain personality was developed by W.T. Norman. His Five Factor Model of Personality categorizes personality into five main dimensions known as traits, and these traits include: Openness, Conscientiousness, …show more content…

To begin, the Big-Five traits of the Five Factor Model of Personality are each unique in their own way and offer hints or clues into an individual’s personality. The Big-Five traits can be easily remembered by using the acronym O.C.E.A.N. O represents the trait openness, C represents conscientiousness, E represents extraversion, A represents agreeableness, and last, but not least, N represents neuroticism. Openness is a trait that is characterized by a multitude of positive components. For example, individuals who score high in the trait openness often tend to be imaginative, creative, intelligent, broad-minded, and curious. They are likely to be more motivated, and they enjoy pursuing diverse and new experiences. Individuals high in openness are also more likely to be proactive meaning they actively seek more challenging and complex opportunities (Choi, Colbert, & Oh, 2015). Low scorers of openness are more practical, conventional, narrow-minded, and tend to avoid new experiences. The next trait, Conscientiousness, is a trait which is characterized by more efficient elements. For instance, individuals who score high in …show more content…

One of the most diverse personalities can be found in a character from the ABC television show Once Upon a Time. This show modernizes fairy tales, and intertwines them to create a complex and interesting story, and one of the most diverse characters, in terms of personality traits, is Captain Hook. Throughout the show, Captain Hook’s personality is revealed to be much deeper and more meaningful than the children’s story Peter Pan originally portrayed. To begin, Captain Hook, or as he is informally mentioned, Hook displays a moderate level of openness meaning he is not always broad-minded and open to new experiences. Instead, Hook also displays a conventional, narrow-minded character. For example, Hook tends to dwell in the past. He hardly ever looks to the future, and when he does, he is uncertain about his place in it. In addition to being moderately open, Hook exhibits very low levels of conscientiousness. For example, when Hook’s character is first introduced on Once Upon a Time, he is bent on exacting revenge on the man who killed the woman he loved. By concentrating all of his focus and energy on revenge, he becomes impulsive and reckless. He charges into situations with very little planning and organization because he is vengeful. In contrast to being low in conscientiousness, Hook displays very high levels of extraversion. Being a pirate has a very strong

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