Analysis Of Susan Casey's Argument

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Susan Casey is a journalist, and she wrote this essay. In this essay, Casey gets most of her information from Moore and some of the crew of Alguita. Casey said that Moore started where he lived. He always lived close to the Ocean since he was a child. He then became a deckhand, able seaman, sailor, scuba diver, surfer, and a captain. Casey tells how that one day Moore went sailing and decided to take a different path that sailors don’t take. He found a lot of trash and that was mostly plastic. He found a line of plastic bags ghosting the surface and a lot of junk that were netted, ropes, bottles, motor oil, and bath toys. Moore realized that the trail was made of plastic, and it went off hundreds of miles. Moore then realized how it was hurting the animals and the humans. Then, talks about how he was trying to solve this problem.
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People are hurting the animals, and they don’t realize it. That’s one of the issues that the people don’t realize what they are doing. All of the sea creatures about 100,000 marine animals and countless fish are being harmed by the floating plastics. Those animals die in the North Pacific every year from either eating the plastic junk or becoming ensnared, and even drowning in it. Since there is plastic in the ocean and it’s killing fish over time and from the over time it could actually make the fishes go extinct because we are throwing our garbage in the ocean, which is killing the species and affects the food chain in the ocean. Also, every people are eating plasticizing additives, drinking them, breathing them, and absorbing them through their skin every single day. Only 3 to 5 percent of plastics are recycled in any way. Which means each person tosses about 185 pounds of plastic every year. So, the plastic never really goes

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