Analysis Of 'New Yorkers Keep New York Safe'

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Propaganda plays a role in persuading people into thinking a certain way or encouraging the viewer to purchase an item, take action, or follow an ideology. The advertiser achieves in influencing viewers through their tone, choice of words or lack of where instead a powerful image is used. The MTA advertisement “New Yorkers Keep New York Safe”, released on March 2016, shows how propaganda influences commuters to combat terrorism by ‘saying something’. I came across this advertisement on the train on my way to school. I felt it was a natural ad because it showcased the New Yorkers we see; the diverse community and the different age groups represented made this advertisement feel relatable. The propaganda gave off a direct persuasive voice that went straight to the point of reporting suspicious activity. Some of the elements evident in this public service announcement include bandwagon, slogan, target audience, and the use of plain folks. The advertisement is clearly speaking to New Yorkers, specifically those who commute. The bold letters in white suggest that New York is safe because of its residents. It makes sense for the advertiser to have New York …show more content…

Although MTA isn’t trying to sell us a product in which they bribe the viewers by showing a group of people enjoying the product, MTA is showing us a group of people that we should be apart of in order to keep the state safe. Their commercials also showcase people who encourage you to speak up not just to keep yourself safe but to keep others safe because it is “what you would want someone to do for you”. This bandwagon element manipulates people into thinking that we should be a part of something or do something, in this case strive for safety since safety is appealing especially in a city that has been targeted

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