Analysis Of BMX

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The littlest actions can impact our lives drastically for better or for worse. Throughout our lives we all have experienced something that has inspired us. These experiences go from small gestures made by kind strangers all the way to global catastrophes. These experiences influence us to do everything we do on a day to day basis.
Whenever I have free time I like to ride my bike, specifically BMX. BMX to the world is an action sport such as skateboarding, although I believe it's a lifestyle not just a hobby. The stereotypes of the BMX community are very false. They believe we are wild, careless about others and their well being, and just want to destroy property. I grew up playing soccer, football, and basketball like just about any other kid my age. I played these sports until about 7-8th grade and throughout that time I could tell that these sports don't have the same kind of community …show more content…

So around 6 in the summer evening I went to keys cafe where there was a loading dock ledge behind. When I had got there I realized there was more people than the night before, there was a couple of other sponsored riders I looked up to along with the Madera team. Among the riders I slowly realized that one of them was Reed Stark. Me being the kind of person I am I approached him, he turned out to be an awesome human being. Although I did not know him personally during the time I talked to him it made me feel like I did. During the conversation we had we talked about traveling, Traveling is a huge thing for me and I’ve always wanted to do it but it costs a lot. He told me that all you really need to travel is enough money to eat and get there and back. He went on to tell me all about the stories of him and his friends just going around the world camping at skateparks, sleeping on random couches,

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