An Essay On Discourse Community John Swales

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Discourse Communities A discourse community can be defined in many different ways. Some people would say that they exist in more places than people would expect, others would say they only exists in small groups that are very excusive. I agree with the person that believes they are all around in everyday life. In order to be a discourse community John Swales believes that there are six requirements to meet. Once all six have been achieved a discourse community has been formed. Swales argues that communities are all around and if you look closely you will see just how many there really are. Discourse communities can range from a highly structured military to a college soccer team. This is because the requirement to be a discourse community …show more content…

The third element to swales discourse communities is, “a discourse community uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback” (Swales 472). Swales also believes that there must be different forms of that communication, a discourse community utilizes and hence possess on or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims” (Swales 472). The Medical Field has many different options when it comes to transferring information. Emails are the biggest form of communication because they allow corporate to keep everything on file. This gives corporate the capability to bring up older emails if there is any confusion or controversy over a past topic. Emails also allow the company to reach the whole branch in a matter of seconds. Calling a meeting can take away precious time that the sales force could use working with doctors. The communication also accrues on the outside of the company when sales people are in contact with their clients. The client or doctors are always demanding attention from the sales people. Running on short notice doctors could need a drug test done or a screening might be needed to make sure a baby is still healthy and on track for birth. The Medical rep best source to stay in contact is through text message. Text messages allow short quick exchanges of information so the test can be sent right away. Maintaining contact with the doctors is the most important part about the job. If a doctor cannot get in contact with a medical rep they will change companies to someone that will respond faster. This means doctors can get instant feedback at any time. The Medical sales force uses many different ways of communication within and outside of the company to receive feedback. This meets Swales third and fourth elements to be a discourse community because there are many

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