An Effective Leader

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What does it take to be an effective leader? What makes someone an effective leader? There are many factors that contribute to a person being an effective leader. However, some factors are more important than others. For example, creativity, communication, and confidence, and passion are some of the top factors that create a strong leader who is able to lead a team. The reason why creativity is an important trait to have while being an effective leader, is because a good leader should automatically want to think outside of the box. Not only will new ideas be created, but there will be a new perspective on certain topics for other members of the group to see. It will open there eyes to other ways to do things. Of course others could come …show more content…

By finding new ways to display information to students, it could potentially make learning seem fun to the students. The teacher could come up with strategies that include the proper curriculum that needs to be taught, but at the same time it will be entertaining for the students. Not only will this be good for the students, but if a lead teacher comes up with effective ideas for new methods of teaching, then that will most likely result in higher grades for the students. Consequently, in the end, the teacher will be known as an effective leader for finding the new …show more content…

The person who is in charge of the new idea should be confident about the product they want to release. When the group gets together to meet about the product, if the leader delivers his or her speech with confidence and enthusiasm, then the team members will be more likely to feel a sense of certainty. If the leader has confidence in his or herself and the company, then it will give their team members assurance. Lastly, passion is a trait that can sometimes be overlooked when leaders are chosen. However, it is still important. Passion is a key element for someone who is a leader. If you work in a business that you are passionate about, you will have no problem fulfilling tasks. Most likely if you are passionate about something, you will go above and beyond with research to make sure everything is in place. A true effective group leader uses passion in everything they do regarding their

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