American People Have Too Much Power Essay

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Our founding fathers worked tirelessly to ensure that our government was a representation of the people. while still maintaining stability that normal individuals lack. The checks and balances that each branch of government, legislative, executive, an judicial, possess are designed to make sure that one branch does not become too powerful, but do the American people really have any power? I believe the government does a fairly decent job at representing the wants of the people, but it is limited to how well it can represent us.
One of my examples of how government represents America in a "sorta-kinda" way is a recent example from our midterm election. What may have been one of the hottest issues in Florida, the legalization of medical marijuana, was also the issue that caused the most uproar when it didn't pass. Most young Floridians did not know that in order for a law to be passed you need not a majority, but 60% of the vote. With 59% of the votes being "yes", the majority of voters were not …show more content…

Senate. Each U.S. Senator serves a 6 year term, with no term limits. One third of senators are up for re-election at a time. With only two senators per state, it is extremely important that those two senators be an accurate representation of it's constituents. In order for the representatives to fully represent the people of their state, one would think you would have elections more often, rather than every six years. If the views of the people change, they may still have a senator, or even two, who is passing legislation that is contrary to the views and wants of the people. On the contrary, office holders generally want to be reelected, unless they are a lame duck, so they often follow the wants of their constituents. The reasoning for the staggered terms will be explained in the next

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