American Involvement In The Vietnam War

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The Vietnam War is also known as Second Indochina War or the Resistance War Against America. It is one of the only major wars that has ended in American defeat. The Vietnam War was a series of battles between North Vietnam, their allies, South Vietnam, and their allies. I chose to research this event because I had very little prior knowledge about the war and I wanted to learn about it. The Vietnam War started because Northern Vietnam was threatened by communism. America vowed to protect any country that has been threatened by communism, if they request assistance. This promise was called the Truman Doctrine. When North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam, both sides brought their own allies. North Vietnam, along with Russia, China, Cuba North Korea, and others, threatened to bring the evil of communism to South Vietnam. When this happened, the United States, the Philippines, Taiwan, Canada, Australia, Spain,
Two countries, besides North Vietnam and South Vietnam, became war zones. Cambodia and Laos were both heavily bombed by American combatants.
The Americans began withdrawing the number of troops deployed in Northern and Southern Vietnam in an effort known as “Vietnamization.” Vietnamization was enacted to try to end American involvement in the Vietnam War. We tried to transfer the burden of the war to the South Vietnamese. After all, the communization of South Vietnam has little effect on the United States thousands of miles away. Finally, the United State’s direct involvement ended on August fifteenth of 1973.
Only two year’s after the United States left South Vietnam, the war ended. The capture of Saigon by the North Vietnamese marked the end of the Vietnam War. This capture sent South Vietnam into Martial law, an imposition of the highest military officer of that country because of chaos usually because of war. The year after this, North and South Vietnam were finally

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