Presidential Approaches to the Cold War: Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy

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Title During the Cold War people felt scared because they thought the Soviet Union was going to take their freedoms. All three presidents had a different view on the Cold War. Truman and Eisenhower believed in the Policy of Containment. While Kennedy believed in the Flexible Response. Containment is US policy adopted in late 1940’s to stop the spread of communism by providing economic and military aid to countries opposing the soviets (Ayers 818). Flexible Response is was a new look on Eisenhower's idea of Massive Retaliation (Ayres 850). Economic Aid is when one country gives another country money (Ayers 819). Military Aid is when one country helps another country or its people in its defense to protect their country (Ayres 819). All three presidents wanted to do it differently. The first cold war president was Harry S. Truman. President Truman believed in Economic Aid. President Truman gave help and money to Greece to prevent communist countries taking it over. Greece is not a rich country. They don't have many natural resources so it's hard to make ends …show more content…

Eisenhower. Eisenhower created a theory called “The Domino Theory”. The Domino Theory was a theory that stated if one country was communist then their neighboring countries would become communist too (Ayers 950). The Domino Theory was made to make awareness towards communism. President Eisenhower also used Brinkmanship but he would rather use Massive Retaliation. Brinkmanship is a strategy that involves countries getting to the verge of going to war without actually going to war (Ayres 850). President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles believed in brinkmanship. President Eisenhower also used Massive Retaliation. Massive Retaliation is when the U.S willingness to use nuclear force to settle disputes (Ayres 850). President Eisenhower believed in different ideas but they both seemed to

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