President Eisenhower in the Cold War

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The Cold War was a time of fear for the American people in the aftermath of the second World War, but also was a key period in which different presidents began and led various programs to fight Communism, both at home and abroad. President Eisenhower was elected in 1952, and various actions he took throughout his two term administration both assuaged and increased American fears related to Cold War problems. Eisenhower’s policies and programs of the Cold War included MAD and McCarthyism, which caused domestic fears, Brinksmanship and the creation of highways to carry military equipment through the Federal Highway of 1956 in case of foreign war, and his creation of NASA and the National Defense Education Act of 1958 for a technology race with the Soviet Union.
President Eisenhower implemented policies in order to keep Communism and Communist threats of war out of the United States, but these policies caused much fear in the American people concerning Soviet bombings and Communist spies. One such fear-inducing policy was McCarthyism, which was began by U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, and involved blaming innocent people for Communist activity in America, and President Eisenhower did not stop this incrimination of guiltless U.S. citizens. Eisenhower states in Document A that investigators either implementing McCarthyism or working for groups such as HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) were spreading hysteria among Americans, as they feared spies and deceit, as well as being accused as such by people who implemented McCarthyism. Paranoia of being thought of as, or blamed for being a Communist caused much conformity among Americans in order to seem “normal”, as well as a return to religion and traditional family values. Desp...

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...etrimental. Eisenhower’s programs of MAD and the allowance of McCarthyism were detrimental to life in America, as they increased fear, and had minimal effects on fighting Communism abroad. The policy of brinksmanship was helpful for avoiding war with the Soviet Union, but also increased domestic fear of bombs and death, while Eisenhower’s creation of national highways was a huge economic and travel advantage to Americans at home, as well as provided a way to fight Communism through transport of weapons and use as fighter plane runways. Lastly, Eisenhower’s creation of NASA and the National Defense Education Act was effective at creating and educating about space and science technology to oppose the Soviets, while his spending on missile programs allowed for the research and production also produced weapons by which to fight Communism in war against the Soviet Union.

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