American Colony Vs Virginia Colony Essay

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1. The English organized the Plymouth and Virginia Charter Companies to begin their colonies. This resulted in the creation of Jamestown. The first thirty to forty years of the settlement in Jamestown were extremely difficult. This is exemplified by the "starving time" and the poor relations with the Indians. Two factors finally helped lead Virginia to success one was introduced by John Rolfe and the other had to do with the death of the Powhatan leader and rise of his more militant successor Opechancanough. Describe both of these events and show how they helped bring success to the Virginia colony.

1. One event that lead to Virginias success was an extremely successful strain of tobacco plant that John Rolfe developed. Because the profits …show more content…

One American element added to the traditional element of slavery was that slavery was now Hereditary, another was that freeing slaves was rather rare, and slavery was now defined by color, most slaves were Africans and some were Indians
3. During this period, 1660 - 1680's, The Indians and the British Empire had mutual goals. Those goals were shared by New York governor Sir Edmond Andros. The Indians were regarded as trade partners and strong allies against the French. To support this strategy, The Iroquos and the British entered an alliance called the Covenant Chain. Explain the terms of this alliance. 3. The terms of the Covenant chain was an alliance between the Iroquois Confederace and the British colonies

4. Prior to the American revolution there was another series of revolts among the colonies. King James II of England wanted to punish the New England colonies for their role in the Puritan Revolution. List these colonies and describe how King James II punished these colonies.

5. In the section titled, "The Rights of Englishmen", the authors outline the colonist view and the British view of self-government. In Part I, Describe the colonist view and the Briritish view. In Part II, Would this divergence of views eventually cause a

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