Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in Schools Cell phones have been one of the most revolutionary and most useful devices to this day, with their many tools and features. The usage of cellphones in schools has been a controversial issue for a very extended period of time.The usage of cell phones in schools can be very beneficial to students and even teachers. It’s beneficial, because it allows for many tools and uses for students, they are the perfect tool for emergencies or other situations where contact is needed, and the day and age that society is in basically requires people to have cell phones. Firstly, cell phones allow for many uses in school for students. According to the article “Cell Phones in School-Yes?” it states that, “While texting …show more content…
It’s understandable that school board administrators and teachers are concerned about allowing cell phones in schools as many students already use their phones in inappropriate ways. Even more so, the article “Should schools allow Cell Phones Use During the School Day?” it explains that “Moreover, inappropriate use of the phones for cheating on tests has punishments ranging from reduction of the score by a particular percentage to automatic failure of the exam. Disrupting class with texting, playing video games, inappropriately using the photography feature, or receiving calls can affect students’ class participation grades as well.” But, there is a catch to this situation. If schools in society are able to create effective rules and consequences for cell phone use that most students will agree with, the more people will follow the rules on cell phone use. Also instead of letting schools control cell phone use parents of students could set the rules. Some parents prefer that they be the ones to have control of their children’s cell phone use instead of having schools set the rules(Should Schools Allow Cell phone Use). There is a catch to all these issues, allowing cell phones in school will allow students to have better time management, because they will use their cell phones for research, assistance, and etc. Less students will be angry with the rules that schools are placing, which will allow for better school environments all around. So really, if it is thought about, cell phones have more advantages in school than they do not in
Many teachers view cell phones as a disruption to their class, but some allow them for use in the classroom for the purpose of research, or calculators, or other such educational purposes, not just texting. Usage of phones in this way in the class can be beneficial, and students who don’t use the class time for work are only hurting themselves. If, for example, a student is causing a disruption with their phones, it is simple enough to confiscate the phone and issue demerits while the rest of the class works, and this also deprives the student of potential cla...
In the article, Point-Counterpoint: Cell phones in Schools” Rose-Marie Mills and Grace Zwillenberg claim cell phones should be banned from schools. Teachers take time from teaching to punish students for using their phone which, disrupts everyone. They suggest that students having phones is a “false sense of security” and, if there was an emergency the
Because students are distracted by the use of cell phones, schools around the country have made a stand to make sure they are not inhibiting the learning process. But do the bans really make a difference? Students seem to still be sending text messages in class. Legal issues have been questioned concerning the use of cell phones; do instructors or administrators have the rights to confiscate cell phones if used in class? Thomas Diamantes, of Wright State University, says, “In Tinker (Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969), the court established the "material and substantial disruption" test to protect freedom of speech and expression.”
One look at an email can rob someone of 15 minutes of focus and one text message can result in someone blowing off something important, like school. Cell phones should not be allowed at Lindbergh High School. Many people disagree on whether or not cell phones should be allowed, but Monique Conrod speaks out the consequences of phones in an article called Schools Divided Over Cellphones in Classrooms. Ms. Conrod announces, “One of the main reasons, for banning cell phones is that they can distract students from their work… the students admitted they... used their [electronics] for things other than school for more than half the time they were in class” (Conrod). If cellphones are allowed in class, then students will not pay attention to what
As you know students aren't aloud to use phones in school because they are too much of a distraction and kids will always be on their phones instead of listening to the teacher and actually learning at school.
Teachers are finding it harder and harder to separate a student from their cell phones for eight hours. Cellular devices and social media have become a number one priority for many people across the world. Due to the fact that the student will not put down their phones during school hours, their grades tend to be lower, which could, in the long run, affect their chances of getting into college. The use of cell phones does not strictly affect younger generations, it also had major influence on adults at the
Access to cell phones let students take photos of test; for example, one student will distract a teacher so that others can photograpgh test questions or answer keys and then use them for personal gain. Also , having cellphone access in classrooms means students can text or face time answers to each other while in testing quaters. Cellphones now a days also have many different Apps, Tools, or Online connections that can allow students to look up answers and use apps like calculators,translatators and dictornaires. All of these ways enable cheating using cellphones in classrooms and in testing quaters. Futhermore, the final reason has drawn alot of attention in the news lately and is a big concern for many
Cell phones are very useful and handy, and can be used during school since they are small. "It gives them a little bit of freedom. It is a very simple policy, but it is also very effective." Kolb. This quote shows that they are very effective, and is a very simple policy, and students will have a little freedom using our cell phones during class for important work. So all of these examples explain
Allowing cell-phones in school will allow students to check facts and research topics. Students can use their phones to research the correct answers and source their information. If students are confused with or feel the need to insure their work/facts are accurate that can also be a time when they need to be allowed to use their cell phones. While it is true that the students might use their
Today’s cell phone is the front line technology at our fingertips. Keeping this in mind the use of cell phones have become an affair when it comes to allowing teens to use them in educational environments, such as schools. One part of society supports the use of cell phones while the other part of society disapproves the use of cell phones. I personally believe that cell phones should not only be allowed in school, but cell phones should be mandatory just like a textbook. Cell phones do not only allow students to stay united with friends and family, but cell phones are also a magnificent learning system, and they boost the liable use of technology.
Cell phones are small and portable yet provide so much to its user with being able to look up anything to calling your parents in case of an emergency or if you need to give them a heads up on something. With the way things are today people need to focus on incorporating cell phones into daily life and finding ways to make them more suitable in a classroom environment. Teachers are already doing this though with using apps that work with the whole class and can track data and usage of a student. It cannot be debated that cell phones are beneficial in school as before cell phones you would have to go to your local library and hopefully find what you are looking for. Cell phones belong in a school environment as they can be helpful and it 's a parent 's right to be able to get ahold of their
In conclusion, this essay has tried to argue that cell phones are valuable tools in schools. Many of us see cell phone pessimistically but really haven’t looked at them optimistically. We all know that "with every good, comes a bad, and with responsibilities, come consequences". By all means allowing cell phones in schools is a great idea, and students should start to learn the positive features of that new device. Overall, this essay has attempted to show that allowing cell phones in schools is not a bad idea.
Picture this, there has been a school lockdown, the suspect cut the landlines so no one could call the police for a rescue. However, the suspect was captured by the police much faster than he imagined. The last scene wouldn’t have happened if it was one decade ago, because cell phones were not popular in schools then. When it comes to cell phones, some people think they should not be permitted in schools, and other people think they should be permitted in schools. I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons: Cell phones are an efficient way to communicate when emergencies occur in school; cell phones can be a great tool for learning during school hours; and the current prohibitive rules on cell phones are merely fruitless efforts. Cell phones should be permitted in schools, because they could be very beneficial and practical in schools.
Can you see yourself without a cell phone today? This world has become so technologically dependent that it is hard for anyone to not use a cell phone, a computer, or some sort of device at least once during the day. Since technology has come so far, better education should be possible. Cell phones are a way of communication and can make people feel safe, so it is hard to believe that most schools ban them. It is time for schools to see that technology is the future and it is growing rapidly, along with educational and safety features.
Ever since incidents such as 9/11 and Columbine, high schools have started implementing new rules regarding cellphones. Cellphones attract the attention of building managers, teachers, parents, and students. Although teachers see them as a distraction and a way to cheat, they can be quite helpful to students. School districts should permit students to use cellular devices in school for purposes of improving their education and providing themselves with a sense of security. By permitting the use of cellphones in school, students can increase their knowledge and complete school work by using applications and other features on their smartphones.