All Things Are A Gift From God Essay

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All things are a gift.
All gifts come from God.
Life is a gift from God.
Life is precious yet life can go past right before our eyes “Life is like a vapor.” There is nothing we have done to be alive yet we are created and sculpted by the master sculptor made in the image of God. Our response should be gratefulness.
Based on beliefs related to Christian faith my position on sanctity of life is: human life has an inherently sacred attribute that should be protected and respected at all times. There are no ifs, ands or buts about this.
I will argue three things that support this thesis statement above:
1. God has sovereign rule over life and death.
2. People are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27)
3. Any form of abortion and euthanasia is …show more content…

Quotes like this prove we have lost sight of what it means to have life abundantly. It shows how self-centered and independent we have become in our thinking. This school of thought is dangerous because it implies that we can do this on our own. That we know what is best and right for our life which is furthest from the truth. Truth is that God is the captain of the ship and master of our fate. “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs‬ ‭16:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬, what this verse is saying is that humans might think that their plans are of their own accord, but it is actually “the Lord [Who] establishes his steps.” Even our bad choices are used for God’s purpose in His sovereignty. We must understand God’s sovereignty to properly understand what it means to be alive, to suffer and …show more content…

God has commanded that we are not to commit murder, there is no gray area. Morals come from God just as this command did, if one murders through means of abortion or euthanasia it is morally wrong.
Abortion and Euthanasia
Now I will discuss a couple of topics that seem to be the life support of those who don 't advocate for sanctity of life. In the sections that follow will define euthanasia and abortion as well as one the key components that is used to support the right for euthanasia and for abortion.
"The intentional putting to death of a person with an incurable or painful disease intended as an act of mercy." First, let me point out how prideful it us for us to feel that we deserve a certain kind of life and what God wills isn 't necessarily right. Advocates of this assisted death argue choice and a right to end suffering. Advocates of euthanasia say that if someone is in intense pain and suffering they should be allowed to end their life. This school of thought goes against my position because life is a gift and there is value in suffering. Suffering is a reminder that we are humans, a reminder of our sin and a reason to call out to

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