Ahmad's Childhood Observation

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Ahmad was writing a paper for his English class from the morning. He was writing this paper because he wanted to get a good grade, so he could please his sponsor who was paying for his school. At the same time, Ahmad also hoped to make his parents proud of his grades, because they worked so hard to raise him. Besides, his parents also care for his life whiles he was growing up, so they deserve to see a good effort for him. Due to the fact that Ahmad did not eat anything from the morning and till the lunch time because he was writing his paper. When he returned from the school, he ordered a pizza to eat because he was so hungry that he thought he will die if he did not eat at that moment. Ahmad ordered the pizza so it can give him energy and power to complete his homework’s, because if he did not eat he will not be able to finish his works. He has a calculus homework due tomorrow, and that homework is difficult and needs time to be solved because Ahmad is not that good in math. Moreover, Ahmad realized that he still needed to learn about differentials before he could start his homework. Which he would probably have to work all the night long to finish this homework. Because he was tired and he also have works to be done, he needs to eat something, and the pizza was his choice.

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