African American Sociology

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African-Americans make up approximately 13% of the United States population according to U.S. Census (2001). However, despite representing 13% of the population there is misrepresentation in mental health services for African-American people. We know that research has shown many different indications to explain the lack of representation. Poverty is one of the many explanations given, U.S. census data for the 13.1% of the U.S. population identifying themselves as African American, the poverty rate in 2012 was 27.2%. This poverty rate compares with a 9.7% poverty rate for non-Hispanic Whites (Snowden, 2014). Another study explain treatment differences between African-Americans and European American, according to Schwartz & Feisthamel (2009) …show more content…

For the purpose of this study an ordinal level was chosen. Ordinal level measurement are normally used for ranking in variables that are not classifiable, such the variables in this research study. Likert Scale is the measurement instrument used to perform the assessment of the clients’ attitudes towards their providers. According to Jamieson (2004) Likert scales fall within the ordinal level of measurement .That is, the response categories have a rank order, but the intervals between values cannot be presumed equal. Likert scales are typically used to measure participants’ response within a range of answers. The ranking format will consist of the following values: My provider understands me: -(strongly agree), 4(Strongly disagree, My provider is trustworthy uses a scale1-(strongly agree), 4(Strongly disagree), My provider listens to me uses a scale -(strongly agree), 4(Strongly disagree), My provider is culturally aware(strongly agree), 4(Strongly …show more content…

The sampling frame are men and women from a mental health facility located in a low- income community and the other facility located in a middle-to higher level of income. All African-Americans do not reside in low-income areas, therefore to assure the population is represented equally the middle-upper class facility was chosen. The age range is 25-30. The lack of literature regarding this race and the particular age group is the reasoning for this research plan to study these variables. Characteristics are: how long has client had a diagnosis and under treatment by a provider of a different race. The age range was chosen due to the lack of information on this age group in African-Americans. Participants must have a lack of compliance and/or satisfaction in treatment, diagnosed at least five years and treatment at least five years. Total sample population is 5000, confidence interval is 95%, sample size is 500 and the sample error is 4.2%. This calculation was determined by a sample error calculator. The rationale for choosing simple random is to eliminate biases. Simple random sampling according to Frankfort-Nachmias & Nachmias (2008) is a procedure that assigns to each of the sampling units of population an equal and known nonzero probability in being selected. It is an equal chance selection process, basic and incorporated in other sampling

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