Advertising and Promotion

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Advertising and Promotion


Communication plays a major part when it comes to advertising, this

booklet explains the communications industry, and it also looks at the

roles of the various parties in the industry and their relationship

between one another.

Communications Process

Communication is contact between two or more parties, giving


The aim of the communications process is to influence buyer behaviour,

but before the marketers can influence the consumers they need to know

how the communication process works.

A View of the Communications Process

All marketers send a message to encourage you to buy their product.


(How to sell it and how to sell it) (How to sell it and the way you

sell it)


(To sell it again) (Whilst you are selling your product)

I am to give you 2 communication model theories of communication


1. Lasswell's theory

According to Lasswell, Power and Personality (1948) a communication

model should answer the following questions:

· Who?

· Says What?

· In What Channel?

· To Whom?

· With What Effect?

2. Kotler's theory

But according to Kotler, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning,

Implementation and Control (1991) the communication process was a

sender/receiver model which to him provides a framework for answering

the questions of Lasswell.

Elements in the communications process (Kotler theory)

Sender's field of experience

1. SENDER - The party sending the message to another party so they

buy that product e.g. Packard bell.

2. ENCODING - The process of putting thought into the message to

make the customer understand what the organisation is selling. To

make things easier for the customer to understand they may use

music, pictures etc.(symbols)

3. MESSAGE - The set of symbols the receiver transmits e.g. the

actual product itself

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