Adolf Hitler In Ellie Wiesel's Night

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In the beginning of the 1930s, Germany was in a desperate place due to the worldwide economic depression, which resulted in millions of people out of work. The Germans had been defeated in World War I early 15 years earlier, and lacked confidence in their feeble government. This unsteady leadership gave an opportunity for a new ruler. Prior to the economic depression, the Nazi party was basically unheard of. After Adolf Hitler rose to power in January of 1933, many Germans believed that they had found their savior. Although nearly 6 million Jews died, thousands did survive these concentration camps. The documented stories of these survivors is what we use today to remember one of the most brutal episodes in world history.
Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria on April 20, 1889. Hitler had 5 other siblings. After his younger brother died, he became introverted and indifferent. At a young age, Adolf demonstrated an interest in German nationalism, and opposed Austria-Hungary’s authority. This inquisition for nationalism would later dominate his life. After his father passed away and he dropped out of school, Adolf moved to Munich, Germany in …show more content…

In the introduction, Eliezer’s teacher is deported, but returns several months later. Nazis occupy Hungary in the springtime of 1944. More restrictions are placed on Jews, and the Jewish people of Eliezer’s town are ultimately forced on to cattle cars, and begin their long journey to Birkenau, which is the gateway to Auschwitz concentration camp. Eliezer and his father are isolated from his mother and father. Before entering the barracks of the prisoners, the two men see Nazis burning babies by the truckload. Eventually, the two are placed in a different camp called Buna. Eliezer is put to work in an electrical fittings factory. Eliezer and the other prisoners get beaten and humiliated. Once again, the prisoners are moved to another

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