Achievements Of Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar was one of the most famous Roman emperors, during his 20 year rein he changed history. Regardless of his short life Julius Caesar lived it fully with a rich background and deep roots. So I will only touch on a few of his great achievements such as his early life and background, his tales of emperorship, his battles, and his death.
In the year of 100 B.C. Julius Caesar graced the world on the thirteenth of July. His parents named him Gaius and his last name was Julius. His clans chosen name for him was Julius. At the age 16, Caesar married Cornelia; daughter of Cinna the leader of the winning side of the Italian Civil War. Shortly after Caesar and Cornelia were married Cinna was murdered and Caesar 's enemy Sulla took power …show more content…

he received Pompey 's head; Ptolemy thought that Caesar would return to Rome knowing that he had defeated Pompey. Caesar came to get Pompey and to claim money he says he was owed by Ptolemy the twelfth. Ptolemy declined and a war that consisted of burning ships, stealing lighthouses, and taking Ptolemy hostage. In the end Caesar defeated an army sent by Ptolemy and went to Alexandria in victory.
From Egypt, Caesar traveled to Pontus (Eastern Turkey), The Romans had defeated the king, of the region twenty years before. Pharnaces, the son of the king came into power and made an attack on the Roman troops at Zela, Caesar beat Pharnaces army with no conflict. Caesar mocked the easy victory by calling it the Pontic War. A coin inscribed with 'Veni ' 'Vidi ' 'Vici ' ( I came, I saw, I conquered) was made in order to celebrate Caesar 's victory in Pontus.
Caesar returned to Rome with four victorious battles to boast about. Caesar planned his victory parade, the Roman Senator 's reward Caesar for his victory in Pontus by making him Dictator. Rome needed to be reunited, Caesar spent lavishly to put on a a ten day triumph full of singing, dancing, wine, and relaxed …show more content…

Caesar was to meet in the Senate for a meeting. Caesar 's conspirators had planned to kill Caesar at this meeting, The center of Rome was quiet because it was festival day and many Romans had left town to celebrate. The conspirators believed that Caesar would feel safe and his guard would be down in a Senate meeting. They hide their weapons in boxes that contained official documents. At dawn the conspirators mingled with the other members of the Senate and waited for Caesar to arrive. Word was sent that Caesar will not be arriving due to illness, but Decimus Brutus was sent to lure Caesar to the Senate. Decimus arrived at Caesar 's home and his wife begged him to send a message that the meeting would be canceled. Decimus persuaded Caesar into believing that it would be unpolite if he did not cancel in person. When Caesar agreed to go tot the Senate, a statue of him in the hallway of his house fell to the ground and

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