Abuse Of Power In 1984 By George Orwell

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In George Orwell’s novel 1984, there are many powerful compelling themes such as the idea of having vast amounts of power, similar to an oligarchy, the concept of mind control, and finally the theory of War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength. These three topics are all genuinely relevant to the Mongolian empire, and how Genghis Khan became one of the most influential and robust leaders of all time with similar actions of the party in the novel of 1984, but their power would be less prevailing if they did not have the support from a band of illiterate people. The idea of an Oligarchy is very prevalent in the novel 1984 with the theory of a small group of people running the territory of Oceania. This small group is known …show more content…

He would promise people better lives and that they would be more prosperous if they would consider his ways. Many joined because of the constant war of the surrounding nations and needed the hope of prosperity. As time progressed and the Mongolian Empire became more successful and powerful with many followers including: Christians, Muslims and Buddhist. The mind control in Khan’s regime was a little more subtle, he started by gaining his followers and promising them success but this was only possible by influencing his people to destroy everything and the only way to be completely victorious is to annihilate everything within other villages and countries. At first people were fleeing the acts of war but when the joined Khan the slowly became apart of dominant empire and eventually overlooked all other countries of the west. Khan later became known as Chinggis Khan or Universal ruler after vanquishing all rivals of the …show more content…

Oceania is constantly at war with other two super states, but the proles are aware of the war but also act like there is constant peace as well due to what the party brainwashes them with. Freedom is slavery is supposed to discourage people from seeking individual freedom because even in democratic governments when people have the mindset they are free they actually known as currency slaves which means they have to work to survive but still can have the things they own taken away if they do not pay taxes to the government. Last but not least ignorance is strength, this shows the importance of the proles. Oceania is 80% proles and they help lead the revolution because they are blind followers. These three paradoxes are all examples of doublethink which were created by the government, the lack of education in the society is what makes the party so fortunate. The event of the hate week is to regain the support of the proles to increase the hatred of the current enemy of the party which is always

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