Abstinence In Teens

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With all the emphasis on the importance of using condoms and birth control to ensure safer sex, teens feel an intelligent choice is being overlooked, and many teenagers don’t understand the responsibilities that go along with being sexually active. Abstinence is the practice of holding back from some or all aspects of sexual activity for different reasons, some being medical, psychological, legal, social or religious. Even though many teens already know the consequences of sex, they don't need to wait, abstinence is the safest and smartest option for teens these days. Us News and World Report reported a study by Kaiser which stated “that some teens reported they learned helpful information about safe sex and how to refuse from TV shows, this isn't the norm. Most teens are surrounded by sexual gyrations on MTV; provocative …show more content…

Studies say that three million adolescents contract sexually transmitted diseases every year and that more than half of all new cases of HIV infection occur in people younger than 25, making AIDS the seventh leading cause of death among 13- to 24-year-olds (Reyna) On top of that, teenagers, girls especially, are more vulnerable to STDs that older people. As far as the prevention of STIs, when used correctly, condoms are 85-95 percent effective in preventing the transmission of HIV, but the risk of HIV infection from vaginal sex is very low. Condoms are much less effective in providing protection from other STIs, especially common ones such as herpes and HPV that are spread by skin-to-skin contact of parts not covered by a condom. In fact, condoms have little or no benefit in preventing HPV transmission. Having regular sex, despite using condoms, is likely to lead to infection if you have a partner with chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital warts, syphilis or

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