Abortion Should Be Up To The Family Essay

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Abortion is always a tricky subject to debate about since there are so many perspectives and opinions to take into consideration. Nathan’s group concentration on whose decision it should be for the abortion being taken place is the family. The questions that come to mind are many; what point in time is the baby alive and considered family? Who should have majority say, mother, father, etc? Are there any circumstances that need to be clear before discussing the topic in class? All questions that are being asked need to be answered in order to have a full understanding of abortion from the families perspective. From a personal belief, the decision to have or not have an abortion should be up to the family. The decision of having an abortion shouldn’t only be up to the carrier of the child, but of all the extended family. The question should bring up the fact that an abortion is a difficult decision to make in certain circumstances and causes stress. Carrying on with the decision of abortion leads to negative health outcomes. In addition, if the woman carries on with the abortion, the family might not have agreed and create negative energy. Negativity is dangerous to the woman who has had or is thinking of having an abortion. Emotional support is a concern when it comes to all …show more content…

Nevertheless, there are circumstances that change this position. If the woman was raped and impregnated by her attacker, then it is understandable for the woman to consider the option of aborting the child, since this will cause stress on the mother remembering such a traumatic event in her life. Another circumstance is when the woman has a disease that is possible of transferring over to the child. It is up to the family to decide to let the child live with the disease or rid her of a different than others? Circumstances shown above are crucial when discussing the life of the

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