Abortion Pro Life

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Abortion is a controversial issue affecting our society. Many people feel that abortion is evil because abortion is killing an unborn child. On the other hand, others believe that it is a woman’s constitutional right to choose especially in certain situations such as incest, rape, or health issues threatening the mother’s life. The strongest point of this argument of pro-choice versus pro-life activists is the idea of when the fetus is living. Killing an innocent child using rather horrific procedures is not only unethical for the doctors to perform, but the mother choices.
The most argued point of pro-choice versus pro-life activists is the idea of when the fetus is living. Pro-life activists debate that all life in the instant of its conception …show more content…

Wade case of 1973, abortion was illegal in two-thirds of the United States, resulting in high and alarming numbers of back-alley and self-induced abortions (Warnke). A surprising story comes from Whoopi Goldberg who, after discovering she was pregnant at the age of fourteen, performed an abortion with a coat-hanger. “There are (estimated) hundreds of thousands of women out there who have self-induce their pregnancy by penetrating their own wombs, drinking iron bits with gin, hitting their stomachs, taking scalding baths, etc.” (Gunter) Other times, they allow back-alley clinics to perform the surgery, but these men are not doctors, they are often bartenders, or even auto-mechanics hoping to make some money. They pour into hospitals with rampant infections, often falling death to their own acts of desperation. It is not to say that since the Roe v. Wade case and the legalization of abortion that these self-induced and back-alley pregnancies no longer exists, but with further support to the women choosing abortion, these numbers will fall and allow them receive abortions in a clean and professional environment.
Undoubtedly, abortion will remain an issue hotly debated by individuals everywhere. Relief to this controversy is nowhere in the future as each side is very much opposed to one another. A woman’s right to choose could justify abortion, but it could be banned because it is an immoral act. Women have been given the right to have an abortion, but the pro-life groups who continue to fight for the right of the unborn child are still

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