Abortion Persuasive Speech

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TITLE HERE There is no reason abortion shouldn’t be a safe, affordable, and completely legal service available everywhere in the world. Unfortunately, for about 25% of the world's population it is criminalized or only performed to save a woman's life, and doctors are allowed to refuse to do it. And just because it’s legal in other places that doesn’t mean it’s accessible. Even in Canada most abortion clinics aren’t funded by the government and many women have to go to hospital where patients are often stigmatized. Abortion should be legal and available everywhere because, first, the government should not be allowed to put laws on people's bodies, next, criminalization does not help or protect anyone, and finally, it puts insentient fetuses …show more content…

It isn’t the young couple who can barely afford their rent, much less a child. Or the high school student who may have to may have to drop out of school to raise her child. Certainly isn’t the victims of rape who will have to walk around with constant reminder. Or the child who will be forced to have a child because of the decision of governments like Brazil's, Ireland's, Egypt’s, among a few. Not even the future child will better off, they’ll end up in a with parent(s) that can’t support them, don’t know how to take care of them, or who just don’t want them. Studies show that abortion rates are the same in countries that allow abortions and ones that don’t. The difference is some women are having a procedure done by a doctor in a sterile environment, and other women are in a bathroom with coat hanger. Criminalization is killing women who would have lived if they had just had access to a clinic. But it’s the fertilized eggs people are worried about. So who wants abortion to be criminalized? Typically, it’s people who don’t fit into any of the above categories. People who are bias because of their religious beliefs, or because they have children themselves. People who won’t listen to the people who make up the above categories. Because if they did, they might adjust the way they think about

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