A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Recycle Everywhere

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Perspective; a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something. Everyone has their own point of view on the world, some good some bad, but two organizations tried to persuade people to join their cause the Recycle Everywhere program ran a recycling ad on April 8, 2016. The ad conveys the message of rebirth: turning old objects into new potentially valuable items. It accomplishes this by depicting three cans and the handle of a baseball bat, that at first glance could be confused for a whole baseball bat. It has text that states “Now you know what your empty beverage containers can become.” While the ad done by Creative Advertisements for NGO Everything shows the lifespan of a human compared to the lifespan of a plastic bag. The …show more content…

They use a baseball bat to attract more athletic, sporty people to recycle their unwanted aluminum cans to become items such as baseball bats. This would have worked had they not done such a poor job creating the advertisement. There is no realism with the ad, it was obviously placed on top of another image, because of how poorly done the shadows and highlights for the image is done. They were attempting to create an alluring realistic effect of pop cans transforming into a baseball bat, but they fall …show more content…

The only possible ethos present is their organization’s name. They want people to trust that they know what to do and what should be done with your recyclable trash. They use their simple text to convey this by showing the baseball bat being made out of aluminum cans, but people should listen to them because they know what you should be doing with your trash. In Creative Advertisements uses a moderate amount of ethos in the form of the life story of Dorothy Stang. They detail her life and how it has affected those around her and the impact she has had on the world. No one can say that she hasn’t had an impact on people, but then they compare it to a plastic bag and they are saying that this woman who has affected a plethora of people is nothing compared to a single plastic bag. Although both of these advertisements both make use of ethos and pathos, only one of them uses logos. Creative Advertisements uses logos to give more weight to their ad. They use statistics of Dorothy Stang’s age, and the average half-life of a plastic bag. Dorothy lived to be 84 and affected a great number of people, and the plastic bag will live to be well over 400 years old and will affect everyone. Their advertisement would not be as impactful had they not included the information in the way that they did, they did it in a way that is easy to comprehend and easy to quickly see how much one small plastic bag will

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