A Rhetorical Analysis Of Neutrogena Wave Sonic

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In the art of persuasion, there is something that complements the use of ethos and pathos. Any company could make a commercial with high credibility and strong emotional connection, but it needs to sound logical to convince the customers. Neutrogena’s commercial use very well ethos and pathos but does it sounds logical? According to YourDictionary logos are the logic and rational argument. The main argument of the Neutrogena Wave Sonic is that cleans your skin better than your hands alone. To people that have been using different acne treatments, it sounds logical. First, the Neutrogena Wave Sonic produces circular movements that help the circulation of your skin and help the cleanser to go deeper into the customer’s pores. Moreover, the product avoids all the mess that involves using your hands. The commercial use ethos pathos and logos very effectively to convince the audience. …show more content…

Customers are not only buying the product because they need it, they buy it because they trust it. That credibility is connected to the emotional impact of the commercial. The details of the propaganda are designed to produce a sensation of freshness, cleanness, and energy. With the emotional connection that it creates they make people want to buy it because they want to feel pretty, comfortable and fresh. The logical sound of the commercial and product’s effectiveness gives the final touch to persuade the viewers. Given these points, we can conclude that the magic behind the success of Neutrogena Wave Sonic is the correct use of ethos pathos and

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