A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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A Midsummer Nights Dream is a comedic play written by the famous author, William Shakespeare. The story has many themes different themes like women inequality and begins with tragedy as a young lady, Hermia is being forced to marry a man she does not love, Demetrius. This compels her to run away into the forest with another man, Lysander. A young lady called Helena loves Demetrius even though he adores Hermia. Demetrius follows the lovers while Helena follows Demetrius, as she shows love for him. In the forest strange tragedies happen as love is mixed around and betrayal is shown. In the story love causes disorder and women to man equality is very biased towards men.

In the play, love causes disorder. Puck accidentally drops some love potion into both Lysander and Demetrius's eyes, so the first thing they place their eyes upon is the thing they love. It is represented in the play by causing disorder, confusion, pain, and betrayal. "Be certain, nothing truer--'tis no jest that I[Lysander] do hate thee[Hermia] …show more content…

"Ay, in the temple, in the town, the field, you do me mischief. Fie, Demetrius, your wrongs do set a scandal on my sex! We cannot fight for love, as men may do. We should be woo'd, and not made to woo."2.1 242-248. Shakespeare wanted to suggest that women should have things done for them. The part 'you do me mischief' suggests that men can take control of them and do what they wish. 'We should be woo'd, and not made to woo." Implies that women were not made to pursue and should not have to endear men. Theseus says - "As she is mine, i may dispose of her; Which shall be either to this gentleman or to her death." 1.1 42-44. The phrase 'As she is mine i may dispose of her' implies that Hermia is a just a toy he can do what he pleases with. That she is just a thing with no meaning but what he does for her. Theseus says that if she doesn't do what he says, she will die. This implies that the girl is worth

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