A Life On Fire-Living Your Life With Passion, Balance And Abundance

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All of us have at least one unique passion that we came here to express. Some of us are lucky enough to have more, but we all have a least one, and it is both our birthright and our obligation to bring it for and use it to succeed. Just how you go about doing this but you can live your passion, though? You can learn how, just as those who have struggled with the same questions before you have done. You, too, can live your passion.

One good way to begin to do this is to read the e-book, "A Life on Fire - Living Your Life with Passion, Balance and Abundance." You can also learn from several successful people who speak about passion in their own words in the magazine, "Healthy, Wealthy 'n Wise." As with the e-book "A Life on Fire," this will tell you how you can get a seat in the audience and be the recipient of interviews with even more successful people. …show more content…

For example, "Chicken Soup for the Soul" was introduced to the world by Jack Canfield and who would have imagined that these inspirational tales would eventually result in a publishing franchise drawing hundreds of thousands of readers throughout the USA.

Then, there's Brian Tracy, who has written more than 28 best-selling books and who is also popular on lecture circuits. He can teach you some simple, powerful tools that will work immediately to help you determine just how you can create your own success.

Marianne Williamson, who authored "A Return to Love," can show you how to find your own inner center or core.

Robert G. Allen is the author of the best-selling books "Creating Wealth" and "Nothing Down". Robert can teach you how to avoid the mistakes he made as he made his life successful.

T. Harv Eker created his success from nothing. He'll show you why it is important to learn to manage your finances now, even if you don't have very much to

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