Malcolm Mj Harris Research Paper

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Malcolm MJ Harris is a financial services CEO, motivational speaker success teacher and the speaker for our third colloquium. He discussed to students about financial literacy, and how to become financially successful. Malcolm MJ Harris was kind enough to talk about his background with us students and told us he didn’t start off with a golden spoon. In fact, he was raised poor, debt after debt until he was swimming in his own. By the age 25, he was in $100,000 of debt. That is when he decided to fix his life, and starting with a $500 business after a couple of years of hard work and determination he is the successfully rich person he is now. Malcolm MJ Harris told students that the steps to becoming successfully at a young age he wished someone where to tell him was to avoid using co-signed cards, secured cards, and cards of any type. This is because, with cards you can’t really see how much you are spending and tend to spend more then usual. With co-signed cards, they aren’t particularly your money and because of this, you spend money that …show more content…

This way, you are more aware of how much you are spending. I think it is important for students to learn about this topic because when students are new on campus, they tend to loose more money due to poor choices. College students need to learn how to use their money wisely since they have to pay for tuition, books, clothes and should avoid using their money to impress others because it’s not worth it and you’ll find another time in your life to impress them. If you want to start a business after college however, it is best you have multiple streams of money. Jobs aren’t secured for life, and you can loose it anytime. This way if you lose one stream of money, you’ll have others till you gain another. These extra streams of money give you a “cushion to avoid

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