A Clockwork Orange Psychological Analysis

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In many novels we have read one of the major dystopian qualities we have been presented with is conditioning. The idea of conditioning, based off of a psychology definition, is that you can make a response to a situation more predictable by reinforcement of that response. In A Clockwork Orange Alex is conditioned to have his response to violence be sickness. In A Brave New World people in the society are conditioned with responses for every situation. In 1984 people are conditioned to turn each other in through thoughtcrime. Conditioning gives a government a stronger grip on the actions of its subjects because through conditioning you can remove any trait the government finds dangerous.
In A Clockwork Orange the government decides that they need to empty out the jails so they can put in …show more content…

If you read an article in the paper you may take your previously learned bias and therefore view the article differently. Your lens of view may change. This form of conditioning goes all the way back to the first novel of the year, V for Vendetta. In V for Vendetta the government controlled the one source of news and used this to condition the masses to believe in whatever the government wanted them to. In 1984 a similar systems is in place and the government controls the media and this helps them sway the populace into supporting them. One big way the government controls their people is through the idea of never ending war, and this is spread through their media. The hate repeated each day conditions the people to support their government. Conditioning through the media is especially dangerous because individuals generally will not know that they are being conditioned in any way. With this form of conditioning the individual is not forced into doing anything like in A Clockwork Orange, they make the choice to immerse themselves in

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