A Case Against Mandatory Class Attendance

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School ought to not be mandatory because you cannot force somebody to learn. Those of us who are educated know that an schooling is empowering, valuable, & vital to a civilized society. Lots of students feel like they must go to school, & as a result, don't care about their schooling nor put much emphasis on learning. Because they must go, they don't require to. Research studies have not shown mandatory attendance to insure a higher success rates for students. An oft-cited article by Karen L. St. Clair, A Case against Compulsory Class Attendance Policies in Higher Schooling, Innovative Higher Schooling, Vol. 23, No. three, spring 1999, examines & evaluates the research literature on the relationship between attendance & academic achievement. …show more content…

Moreover, an attendance policy will not guarantee attendance. “Classroom environments that engage students, emphasize the importance of student’s contributions, and have content directly related to knowledge assessed will undoubtedly provide encouragement to students to attend regularly.” (p. 178-179) St. Clair notes that there are exceptions when it is necessary for students to attend class to demonstrate proficiency, for example, in foreign language and laboratory classes, small discussion sections or seminars where “attendance is compulsory because it is part of the grading structure” (p. 179). Otherwise, St. Clair concludes that class attendance should not be compulsory. Senior Public Relations major Colleen Dreyer said, “I don’t think attendance in college should be mandatory. The difference between high school and college is that you have more free will. Of course it’s important to attend the classes you are enrolled in, but that should be a personal choice. If you do well in class without showing up, good for you. If you don’t do well, due to attendance, perhaps you may consider going to class.”(By Caroline Nicklaus Staff Writer). Some college students argue that they should not be punished for poor attendance since they are paying for these classes. Beside, attendance should not be mandatory, student is adults, and they should be able to make the decision to attend classes on their own. If someone wants to jeopardize their future by not attending classes, that’s their

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