Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults: National Frameworks and Strategies

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Another guidance which helps to safeguard vulnerable adults is the Safeguarding Adults- a National framework for good practice and outcomes in adult protection work. This is a follow up from the no secrets guidance and set out some national frameworks to limit the risk of abuse. there are many different standards set out in this guidance e.g. all local authorities should have a multi-agency partnership who should representing all the agencies, all agencies must have a strategic plan ensuring there are relevant policies and procedures, training strategies, a commissioning strategy and strategies for reducing risk of abuse. this helped to set the national standards of care that should be given to vulnerable people. It also defined the ways we can give services, established ways of measuring achievement or improvements and gave people support to help implement these changes. This helps to reduce to risk of harm for vulnerable people as it helps to establish a nationwide initiative to reduce abuse of vulnerable people and multi-agency working. [5] [16] The Dignity in Care initiative 2006 is very important as it helped to create a zero tolerance for people who abuse or disrespect vulnerable people. It helped to raise aware about dignity and the ways dignity can be maintained. By increasing the awareness, it …show more content…

This was launched to help health and social settings to implement human rights based approaches to improve the standard of care given to services users and how they deliver the service. This helps to reduce the risk of abuse as it helps to implement human right into practice and services, placing more value on them. this helps to reduce an unintentional abuse and it helps the organisations to recognition when someone’s rights are not being met and to take action to prevent this from happening, increasing the standard of care people receive and reduce the risk of abuse,

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