Dignity In Healthcare

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‘’Dignity is concerned with how people feel, think and behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and others. To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of worth, in a way that is respectful of them as valued individuals’’ (nhs.uk)
When a nurse is aware of the dignity of patients, the patients feel more at ease, therefore able to make more informed decisions without feeling exposed, embarrassed or ashamed. The NHS states that in the healthcare system, all people regardless of health status should be provided with dignified care even after death. The key elements of the NHS constitution is to include 'respect and dignity'. One of the nursing values that are stated through An Bord Altranais is that ' Nursing care should be delivered in a way that respects the uniqueness and dignity of each patient/client regardless of culture or religion'( An Bord Altranais). We have a role to care with compassion, kindness and empathy to each person’s pain and suffering. We do our best to try and relieve this pain as best we can.

One of our roles, is to provide dignified care. Providing dignified care can be as simple as making eye contact with a patient, to providing privacy and minimum bodily exposure during any procedure. Unfortunately ‘’previous research identified that patients who are ignored or disregarded by healthcare staff experience a loss of dignity ‘’. (Elison et al 2008, Baille 2009, Jacob 2009). Patients dignity can be threatened by things as simple as leaving a door/curtain open during a procedure to the type of ward they are in for example a mixed sex ward. Promoting dignity is a very important aspect of nursing care in my opinion. However unfortunately due to the lack of staff in hospital nowadays dignit...

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... Nursing Times. Available at: http://www.nursingtimes.net/nursing-practice/clinical-zones/childrens-nursing/using-the-roper-logan-and-tierney-model-in-a-neonatal-icu/199604.article. [Accessed 22 March 2014]

• Roper-Logan-Tierney Model for nursing Based on a Model of Living- Nursing Theory 2014. Roper-Logan-Tierney Model for nursing Based on a Model of Living- Nursing Theory. [ONLINE] available at; http://www.nursing-theory.org/theories-and-models/roper-model-based-on-a-model-of-living.php. [Accessed 22March 2014]

• Irish Nursing Board. An Bord Altranais 2014.Irish nursing board [online]. http://www.nursingboard.ie/scope/scope2/values1/3/14

• Dignity in care for patients- ULHT website. http://www.ulh.nhs.uk/for-patients/dignity-in-care/default.asp

• Humanity respect and dignity/practice/nursingtimes/2014. http://nursingtimes.net/nursingpractice/clincalzones

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